Bing Ads is a pay per click (PPC) advertising platform that works on both Bing and Yahoo search engines. It allows marketers to track and monitor their ad campaigns, resulting clicks, CTRs, and more.

All the Cloud Extract sources support sending data only to a data warehouse destination.
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Getting Started

  1. Log into your RudderStack dashboard.
  2. Go to Sources > New source > Cloud Extract and select Bing Ads V2 from the list of sources.
  3. Assign a name to your source and click Continue.

Connection settings

Next, configure the following dashboard settings:

Bing Ads credentials
  • Tenant ID: Enter the Tenant ID of your Microsoft Advertising developer application. It is recommended to set it as common unless you need a different value.
  • Connect with Bing Ads V2: Click this button to give RudderStack the required permissions to access your Bing Ads account.
  • Developer Token: Enter your user developer token. Refer to the Microsoft documentation for more information on obtaining the developer token.
  • Reports replication start date: Select the date from when RudderStack should ingest your Bing Ads data. RudderStack will not replicate any data before this date.

Destination settings

The following settings specify how RudderStack sends the data ingested from Bing Ads to the connected warehouse destination:

  • Table prefix: RudderStack uses this prefix to create a table in your data warehouse and loads all your Bing Ads data into it.
  • Schedule Settings: RudderStack gives you three options to ingest the data from Bing Ads:
    • Basic: Runs the syncs at the specified time interval.
    • CRON: Runs the syncs based on the user-defined CRON expression.
    • Manual: You are required to run the syncs manually.
For more information on the schedule types, refer to the Common Settings guide.

Selecting the data to import

You can choose the Bing Ads data you want to ingest by selecting the required resources:

Selecting the data to import

The below table mentions the syncs and primary keys supported by these resources from Bing Ads to your warehouse destination:

ResourceSync typePrimary key
Account Performance ReportIncrementalAccountId, TimePeriod, CurrencyCode, AdDistribution, DeviceType, Network, DeliveredMatchType, DeviceOS, TopVsOther, BidMatchType
AccountsFull RefreshId
Ad Group Performance ReportIncrementalAccountId, CampaignId, AdGroupId, TimePeriod, CurrencyCode, AdDistribution, DeviceType, Network, DeliveredMatchType, DeviceOS, TopVsOther, BidMatchType, Language
Ad GroupsFull RefreshId
Ad Performance ReportIncrementalAccountId , CampaignId, AdGroupId, AdId, TimePeriod, CurrencyCode, AdDistribution, DeviceType, Language, Network, DeviceOS, TopVsOther, BidMatchType, DeliveredMatchType
AdsFull RefreshId
Budget Summary ReportIncrementalDate
Campaign Performance ReportFull RefreshAccountId, CampaignId, TimePeriod, CurrencyCode, AdDistribution, DeviceType, Network, DeliveredMatchType, DeviceOS, TopVsOther, BidMatchType
CampaignsFull RefreshId
Keyword Performance ReportIncrementalAccountId, CampaignId, AdGroupId, KeywordId, AdId, TimePeriod, CurrencyCode, DeliveredMatchType, AdDistribution, DeviceType, Language, Network, DeviceOS, TopVsOther, BidMatchType
For more information on the Full Refresh and Incremental sync modes, refer to the Common Settings guide.

Bing Ads is now configured as a source. RudderStack will start ingesting data from Bing Ads as per your specified schedule and frequency.

You can further connect this source to your data warehouse by clicking on Add Destination, as shown:

Adding a destination
Use the Use Existing Destination option if you have an already-configured data warehouse destination in RudderStack. To configure a data warehouse destination from scratch, select the Create New Destination button.


Is it possible to have multiple Cloud Extract sources writing to the same schema?

Yes, it is.

We have implemented a feature wherein RudderStack associates a table prefix for every Cloud Extract source writing to a warehouse schema. This way, multiple Cloud Extract sources can write to the same schema with different table prefixes.

Contact us

For more information on the topics covered on this page, email us or start a conversation in our Slack community.

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